Some big models from the ol’ 40k workbench! A Plagueburst Crawler conversion. The official model looks sortof dopey to me, so I flipped it backwards and turned it into more of an assault gun sort of tank. A big floaty drone thing that I’ll be using as a Heldrake. The official big robot dragon is […]
With a new edition of 40k around the corner, these big tanks got real good. I dusted off an old chassis I had sitting in my closet and converted it up to be a little more WW1 behemoth.
Very excited about the new Warhammer 40k Shadow War skirmish wargame (functionally a reboot of the classic Necromunda game)! I’ve always really loved the look of Tyranid Warriors, but they’re sort of terrible in 40k proper (and I’ve no interest in making a giant Tyranid swarm army), but they’re perfect as a small skirmish killteam. I really […]